What are Tire Wear Bars and what exactly do they do?

Tire wear bars also termed Tear Indicated Wears are very useful when it comes to assessing the condition of your tires to wear. They are in the utmost condition of your tires indicating a quick change. If you are someone who is checking سعر إطارات بي إم دبليو إكس 1 and سعر إطارات بي إم دبليو إكس 5 or checking the tread of your tire or just want to learn quick ways to measure the tire tread then this blog is just penned for you.

 What exactly are Tire Bars?

Tread Wear Indicators bars are small, raised bars found within the grooves of your tires between the tread markings. They are placed all around the tire at different points to measure how evenly your tread is being worn down.

Tire tread helps stabilize your car in wet conditions, helps provide better traction and handling, and improves concerns.  Without it, you might find yourself spinning out of control! That’s why so important to keep an eye on tire wear bars.

One way to check the condition of your tread is to run your finger horizontally over the tire wear bars. It’s time to replace your tires. This means you have reached the legal tire depth limit and your tires are no longer safe to use. Most manufacturers may suggest replacing tires sooner to help keep you safer on road.

How to check the tread on your Tires?

If you are having trouble spotting a wear bar on your tire or you’re unsure of what to do for it, here are some good ways of checking it.

Penny Test

The penny test is pretty simple. Take a penny and hold it with Lincoln’s head upside down. Place it inside one of the grooves between the tread. If Lincoln's entire is visible, your tread has worn at or below 1/16 of an inch and should be replaced. If the top of his head is partially covered, then your tires have some tread.

Measure with a Tread Depth Gauge

If you want to get really precise with your tread measurements then this is the method to go with. These are available for a few bucks on the nearest workstation such as albabtain auto. Alternatively, you can use a ruler with 1/16th inch markings or millimeter requirements. Just place the ruler into one of the grooves and measure the base of the tread to its current level.

Final Words

Are your tire wear bars telling you it’s time for new tires? Bring your vehicle to the nearest workstation at albabtain auto and get all your automotive requirements fulfilled today.


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